Arlington Ridge Civic Association
Constitution and Bylaws
Approved October 4, 2012
Amended May 2024
Section 1. Name. The name of the organization shall be the Arlington Ridge Civic
Association (“ARCA”).
Section 2. Objectives. The objectives of this Association shall be:
a. To devise ways and means, including appraisal of current community interests, to
promote the general welfare, safety, and civic spirit of the community embraced within
the boundaries of this Association, its environs, and the County as a whole.
b. To preserve, enhance, and plan for the orderly development of this neighborhood.
c. To provide leadership within the community and coordination between and among its
various organizations and activities in the furtherance of mutual interests and concerns.
Section 3. Nature of Activities. In its activities, the Association shall be non-partisan and
non-political. It reserves, however, the right to oppose or to advocate for any legislation
deemed necessary to the welfare of this community, or any County ordinance,
regulation, or administrative action or policy of any nature whatsoever deemed to affect
the welfare of its members, this community, or the County.
Section 1. Boundaries of the Association. This Association shall encompass the area
shown in the attached map.
Section 2. Regular Membership. All aadults who reside within the boundaries of this Association shall be regular members of this Association. All adults residing in property on any street which is a common boundary between this Association and any contiguous association shall be regular members of this Association or of the contiguous association, as they may elect; provided, however, that such persons shall not be eligible for membership in both associations.
Section 1. Federation Membership. The Association, as a matter of policy, shall
continue its membership in, and support of, the Arlington county Civic Federation, or any successor
organization, and will provide qualified representation thereto.
Section 1. Committee Representation. The Association, as a matter of policy, shall
provide qualified representation to the Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee
of Arlington County and the Crystal City Citizens Review Council, or any duly
constituted successor organizations.
Section 1. Executive Board. The officers of the Association shall be elected from the
regular membership and shall consist of a President, four Vice Presidents, Secretary,
Treasurer, and Communications Director. The Executive Board shall consist of the
above-named officers and, upon election by the membership of the Association, up to
four additional persons whose duties shall be assigned by the membership. The precise
number of additional members of the Executive Board, if any, shall be determined from
year to year by the membership of the Association, at a regular meeting of the
Association held no less than approximately two months before the annual election of
officers, depending on the amount of work to be done by the additional members of the
Executive Board during the ensuing year.
Section 2. Nominating Procedure. A nominating committee of at least three (3) regular
members shall be elected at the March membership meeting for the purpose of
preparing a slate of officers (one nomination for each office) and shall make its report at
the May meeting. Nominations from the floor will also be in order at the May meeting.
Section 3. Election Procedure. Election of the Executive Board shall be at the Annual
Meeting in July of each year. The elected members shall take office at the September
regular meeting, and hold office for one year thereafter, or until their qualified
successors are duly elected. Any regular member shall be eligible for election to any
office. The election shall be by hand vote, and voting shall continue until a nominee has
received a majority vote for said office. All vacancies for the above positions shall be
filled in the manner provided, at the regular meeting of the Association following the one
when the notice of such vacancy was announced.
Section 4. Terms of Officers. Officers of the Association will be elected for a term of
one year. An individual member shall not serve more than three terms consecutively in
the same office unless an exception to this limitation is approved by a majority of the
members present at a membership meeting.
Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Association shall be held bimonthly,
or at other intervals set by the Executive Board. The regular meeting held in
July shall be the Annual Meeting.
Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the President
whenever, after consultation with the Executive Board, such meetings are deemed
necessary. Also, it shall be the duty of the President to call a special meeting upon the
written request of twenty (20) regular members of the Association. At all special
meetings of the Association, only such business as the meeting was called to consider
shall be discussed and acted upon. The business for which such special meeting was
called shall be set forth in the call.
Section 1. Amount and Period of Dues. The dues of the Association shall be voluntary.
Membership vote shall determine the amount and frequency of dues.
Section 1. Committees. Committees will be formed by membership vote on the basis of
need. The President, with the advice of the Executive Board, will determine the
composition of such committees.
Section 2. General Provisions. Each committee shall meet at the call of its chair, or
when requested by a majority of its members. Chairs of committees or their designates
shall represent the Association at meetings and hearings of other bodies as appropriate;
except as otherwise authorized, they may speak for the Association only in accordance
with approved Association positions and policies. They may commit the Association
only as specifically authorized by the Association or the Executive Board.
Section 1. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and
shall perform such other duties as pertain to the office. The President shall also act as
Chair of the Executive Board, and shall appoint all committees authorized by the
Association. No person or persons shall represent the Association in any matter unless
so authorized.
Section 2. Vice-Presidents. The four Vice Presidents shall, respectively, perform such
specific duties, roles and responsibilities, as the President shall, subject to the approval
of the Executive Board, assign to the individual Vice Presidents, taking into account the
amount of time any particular Vice President is willing and able to devote to the Association’s
affairs, the skills and capabilities of the respective Vice Presidents, and the anticipated level of
effort required from year to year in order responsibly to fulfill the duties of office. In the
absence of the President, or in the event of a vacancy in that
office during the course of the term, the Vice Presidents shall, in the order determined
from year to year by the President, and confirmed both by the Executive Board and
membership, either temporarily perform the duties of the President or succeed to the
office of President.
Section 3. Secretary. The Secretary shall record the proceedings of the Association
and of the Executive Board; be custodian of the Constitution and By-laws and
incorporate therein all duly adopted amendments; transmit promptly all resolutions to
the respective committees in accordance with the references; conduct correspondence
of the Association; keep the roll of officers and members; notify all members of the
Association of meetings, scheduled programs, and other matters of special interest;
perform such other duties pertaining to the office as may be assigned by the
Association; and, at the expiration of the term of the office, turn over to the succeeding
Secretary, all books, documents, records, and property of the Association then in the
possession of the Secretary.
Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive the funds of the Association and
make payments for valid obligations of the Association. The Treasurer, with the
concurrence of the Executive Board, shall prepare a proposed Budget for each
forthcoming fiscal year (January 1 – December 31) for approval by the members at the
November Membership meeting. Records of all receipts and disbursements are the
responsibility of the Treasurer. At the end of the fiscal year, the members of the
Executive Board will validate these records, reconcile end-of-year balances with bank
statements, and sign the year-end Treasurer's report.
Section 5. Communications Director. The Communications Director shall communicate
Association positions and other pertinent information to the members and be
responsible for the publication and distribution of the newsletter, and the maintenance of
the website and “arcaneighbor” listserv.
Section 1. Executive Board. The duty of the Executive Board is to advise the President,
and to manage, conduct, and have general supervision over the financial and business
affairs of the Association, subject, however, to the rights of the regular members of the
Association, acting in regular or special meetings, to fix dues, authorize expenditures,
and approve payment thereof. All proposed expenditures that are not included as line
items in the Budget, and are in excess of fifty (50) dollars, shall be referred to the
Executive Board for consideration and recommendation prior to payment.
Section 1. Certificate of Merit. During the month of May each year, the Executive Board
shall consider honoring those members of the Association who, by exceptional or longcontinued
activities, have made such outstanding contributions to the welfare of our
community as to deserve award of a Certificate of Merit. The award may be for service during the
current or any previous years. The Executive Board shall consider all nominations for such
award submitted by members, which nomination shall include reasons therefor. However, no awards need
be made in any year if, in the opinion of the Executive Board, such award is not deemed
appropriate. Awards recommended by the Board shall be presented at the July meeting.
Section 1. Association Meetings. The regular members present at any regular or
special meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business.
Section 2. Executive Board Meetings. A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute
a quorum of said Board for the transaction of business.
Section 3. Committees. The members present, after due notice, shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business by committees of the Association, subject to
oversight by the Executive Board.
Section 1. Procedure for Amending. Amendments to these Bylaws may be made at any
regular meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote of the members voting provided
that the proposed amendments were presented in writing to the members either (a) at
the regular meeting immediately preceding, or if notice of the proposed amendments is
mailed to each member at least five (5) days prior to the meeting at which the proposed
amendments are to be offered for approval, or (b) via email to the members at least ten
(10) days prior to that meeting, or (c) via distribution of the newsletter at least ten (10)
days prior to that meeting.
Section 1. Effective Date. These By-Laws shall become effective when adopted by vote
of the membership of the Association