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July Membership Meeting, July 18

[ 0 ] July 10, 2024 |

Please join us for our July Membership meeting, July 18, 6.30 chats and snacks, 7pm meeting

Video Link to online meeting:

We will present the slate for the 2024-5 Executive Board and vote on it.
The Slate: President: Kateri Garcia; Vice Presidents: Robert Jamison, Fred Zimmerman, Arthur Fox, Richard Rebh; Treasurer: Bob Hyde; Communications:  Maggie Gaffen; Secretary: Christina Wolf;  ArNAc Rep:  Lauren Bailey; At Large: Julie Farnham, John Steele and Chris Adams (new member)
We will then hear from our guest, Scott Gibson, Chief Strategy Officer, Melwood, who will update us on Melwood’s site plan for the renovation of the Nelly Custis School building at 23rd and S. Grant Street.

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