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22202 Neighbors United (22202-N-U)

[ 0 ] July 7, 2013 |

Arl-Vill-headerWe have talked a lot in this newsletter during the past year about a pilot Villages project in our neighborhood. The pilot, which will be part of Arlington Neighborhood Villages, will not be ready to provide services until 2014, so in the interim 22202-N-U (22202 Neighbors United) is being organized as a volunteer-run initiative focused on creating a community for all ages which will enable residents to remain in their homes, maintain neighborhood ties and friendships, and foster multi-generational community connections. 22202-N-U volunteers will endeavor to meet basic needs of neighborhood residents in the near-term.  Potential service offerings in the short-term include:

1)  Regular Check-In (call a neighbor regularly and/or after a power outage)

2) Information & Referral (familiarize folks with County, senior center programs (e.g., STAR cab to doctor); provide laminated listing of emergency numbers, frequently called numbers/contacts tailored to individual)

3) Running Errands (pick up/deliver items such as groceries, dry cleaning, prescriptions, mail, library books, etc.)

4) Assisting with Chores (help with gardening tasks such as weeding, planting, pruning, mulching, lawn mowing, raking; shoveling snow; organizing tasks such as making multiple appointments, creating filing system methodology, suggesting ideas for home reorganization/purging/de-cluttering/donations)

5)  Social Engagement (invite/meet a neighbor at a nearby park, restaurant, etc. to chat and share life experiences and common interests; help folks read prescriptions, directions, etc.; read to a person who is sight-impaired)

6)  Knowledge/Skills/Hobbies (engage in inter-generational discussions on variety of topics such as historical events, music, et al)

If you would be interested in providing and/or receiving services, please let Diane Litman know via email or phone 703-920-7638.

Category: Uncategorized

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